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The One Cozy Vacation Residence SHA Hotel

The One Cozy Vacation Residence SHA Hotel (3 stars) is an accommodation with many amenities from where you can visit the center of the city, located at approximately 1 km. Here you can stay in a double room for a price starting at €42. Offers to its customers free wifi internet connection in all its facilities. The One Cozy Vacation Residence SHA Hotel offers to its customers a variety of services as swimming pool, parking, free parking, restaurant and climate control. This accommodation offers in addition a shuttle service connecting with the airport.


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Price by night

You can book your room in The One Cozy Vacation Residence SHA Hotel from €42.


The One Cozy Vacation Residence SHA Hotel reviews


Very good

There are 109 comments on this accommodation:

Location / Directions

Address: 7/22 M.5 Soi Ta-Ied Chao-Fah Tawan Tok Rd. Muang. 83130 Chalong . Thailand.

Last offers

Check-in Check-out Room Price per night
5 April
8 April
Deluxe double room
14 days ago