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New York Hilton Midtown

New York Hilton Midtown is a 3 stars accommodation located 6 km far from the center of New York. In this accommodation you can find affordable prices, from €204. The lodging has free wifi internet connection in all its facilities. New York Hilton Midtown offers several amenities, being some of the most relevants: spa, parking, restaurant, climate control, fitness room and car rental service. In addition this accommodation is adapted to provide disabled access. It is noteworthy that this accommodation accepts customers travelling with pets. About the remarcable places, its situation is located very close to American Folk Art Museum and Museum of Modern Art, close to emblematic places as Museum of Arts and Design and Wollman Rink and in the surroundings of Grand Central Terminal and Magic Towne House.It belongs to the Hilton chain.


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Price by night

You can book your room in New York Hilton Midtown from €204.


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Location / Directions

Address: 1335 Avenue of Americas. NY 10019 New York. United States.